

D-Tec appoints analytics product manager

Hampshire, UK

Colin Greenman

D-Tec - part of AD Group - the world's leading exponent of video smoke detection (VSD) announces the appointment of Colin Greenman, 41, as product manager for analytics. Based at the company's office in Alton, Hampshire, England, he will have responsibility for the implementation of a portfolio of advanced video analytic solutions for fire, security and facilities management.

In his new role Colin - who has an MBA, from Southampton University, specialising in product marketing and organisation wide innovation - will work closely with the development team at D-Tec's parent company AD Group to help identify opportunities and bring D-Tec's expanded analytics capability to market.

He brings a wide range of technical experience to the position; a member of the institute of environmental engineers, Colin has worked in the fire industry for 10 years with Apollo fire detectors Ltd, latterly as head of laboratories, where he was responsible for a staff of five engineers and technicians.

Colin was also involved in the development of the European EN54 standards for multi-sensor smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors. Prior to joining Apollo, he worked for seven years for IBM in one of the largest product engineering laboratories in the UK as an electro-mechanical engineer. Evaluating new materials and production processes.

"I am looking forward to the challenges ahead. Having carried out some testing work on the VSD system I am already able to appreciate the benefits of this technology and the potential for it to be further enhanced and applied in new environments." says Colin Greenman.

"I believe that Colin's in-depth experience with technical and operational issues - coupled with his proven commercial skills and training - will allow him to benefit the organisation by providing a valuable link between development engineers and sales managers and therefore to effectively deliver industry-leading solutions." says Ian Moore, D-Tec's managing director.

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