

CNL to demonstrate Ipsecuritycenter upgrades at GSX

Camberley, Surrey (UK) and Chicago, Il (USA)

Some recent Ipsecuritycenter developments, include enhanced interactive dashboards, improved web and mobile accessibility.

At the forthcoming GSX event in Chicago, Illinois next month, CNL Software will be showing recent Ipsecuritycenter developments, including enhanced interactive dashboards, improved web and mobile accessibility, plugin support for embedded analytics, machine learning, predictive insight tools and improved three-dimensional (3D) mapping.

Today security control centres are expected to process and react to more data from more sources than ever before. And every year, billions of dollars are spent developing new and improved sensor technologies that help reduce new threats as they emerge. This means there will be even more data to understand and manage in the security control centre in coming years. By 2025, it is said that there will be more than 75 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices online. That is almost 10 devices for every person in the world. CNL Software will be available at the GSX to discuss what this data management challenge means for the security control centre and to demonstrate how security professionals can prepare their organisations to effectively process and react to an ever-increasing volume of otherwise unintegrated security data.

“Security control centres should be preparing for a huge change in the amount of data they need to be able to understand and manage. To cope, they will need the technology and tools to do more with less. Maintaining a ‘business as usual’ stance will also prevent organisations from taking advantage of the security control centre efficiencies that integration, analytics, machine learning technology and automation can provide,” says Mike Mostow, General Manager – Americas at CNL Software. “There has never been a greater need and opportunity to challenge traditional security control centre methods. Today’s most successful and informed security operations are making use of technology that provides deeper insights into their physical security environment, to better protect people & assets, and to drive efficiencies—creating value beyond safety and security, and across the enterprise.”


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