

BSIA chief wins security personality of the year

The Chief Executive of the British Security Industry Association, David Dickinson, won the IFSEC 2006 Security Industry Personality of the Year Award for his hard work and commitment to the private security industry.

The judges said of David: "Those who know David well hold him in the very highest esteem, and rightly so. This is a man greatly admired for his objective, impartial assessment of complex issues and occurrences that are all-too-often underpinned by a political twist. In a post 7/7 world, the industry needs its champions. David Dickinson is the Champion of Champions, and that is why he has been voted Security Industry Personality of the Year."
Among achievements cited for the award: David has actively lobbied Parliament on behalf of the BSIA membership, ensuring that the collective voice of the industry has been heard by the Security Industry Authority and the Home Office during the regulatory process. Of late, he has been active in the development of Skills for Security, an organisation that will raise the bar for training in the private security industry.
David Dickinson commented: "I was surprised but thrilled to receive this award and thank all those who showed such confidence."
The award was presented at the glittering IFSEC Security Industry Awards dinner held at the Hilton Metropole.

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