

Branded DIY video surveillance predicted to hit Europen markets

Wellingborough, Northants (UK)

In 2010 the European consumer and DIY video surveillance equipment market was estimated to be worth over $100 million, according to a new report from IMS Research.
The region is forecast to grow at a similar rate to the Americas market; however, the competitive environment within Europe could offer branded suppliers a significant opportunity to capture market share from local unbranded equipment vendors.

William Rhodes, Market Analyst, comments, “Although there are a couple of European based equipment vendors with dominant positions within their domestic markets, many of the retailers across Europe are selling own brand or unbranded consumer video surveillance equipment.”

In the US and Canada, DIY/hardware stores, consumer electronics retailers, and cash and carry retailers have had significant success selling branded video surveillance equipment. In fact, many vendors have built up significant brand recognition.

Rhodes continues. “With competition increasing in North America, these companies are looking across the Atlantic for new revenue growth and branded suppliers have the potential to capture market share over existing unbranded equipment.”

IMS Research predicts that the companies that are likely to gain share in Europe will have an existing consumer electronics focused brand that is recognisable by consumers.

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