The report, which can be downloaded, analyses aggregate data from a sample set of 200,000 cameras, and includes more than 150 camera manufacturers. The report covers a wide range of industries including corporate enterprises, retail, restaurant, warehouse, industrial, education, healthcare, hospitality, and multifamily dwellings.
“Organisations moving to cloud-based video surveillance make key deployment decisions across several factors,” said Dean Drako, Founder and CEO of Eagle Eye Networks. “We are sharing the most common implementation configurations and trends with a goal to help everyone moving to cloud security camera systems make better decisions.”
Key data included the compilation of data within the report includes such findings as:
● Increased adoption of higher resolution cameras, audio-enabled cameras, and regional differences in usage across the Americas, EMEA and APAC
● Relative level of use of the four most common video analytics
● Flexibility of true cloud systems to support hundreds of camera types and manufacturers around the world
● Growth in number of camera manufacturers
● Preferred video recording location and recording retention duration
● Regulated industries’ usage of cloud video surveillance