Liselott Lading has many years of experience as a leader and expert in digital development. She has held a number of positions as CEO of companies in development phases as well as management experience from the IT department at IoT companies (among them Axis Communications, the former owner of Citilog, which was acquired by Tagmaster in 2021). Furthermore, she has also been a member of a number of boards. On a daily basis, she is a business consultant at Stratiteq, where she acts as an advisor to management teams on how companies should use their data. Liselott is a frequently hired speaker in digitalization and how it affects society from a holistic perspective. She has a master's degree in systems science from Stockholm University and is also certified in board work via the Styrelseakademien (a non-profit and independent association for the development of board members and board work). Liselott is currently a member of the fintech company Oqam. Liselott does not currently own any shares in Tagmaster AB and is both independent in relation to the company and its management and also independent in relation to the company's largest shareholders.
The Nomination Committee has also proposed re-election of Bernt Ingman, Gert Sviberg and Juan Vallejo, and the re-election of Bernt Ingman as Chairperson of the Board. Rolf Norberg and Margareta Hagman have declined re-election at the 2022 Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on April 28th, 2022.