

Acre amalgamates branding

Parsippany, NJ and Wiesbaden, Germany

To enable its wide portfolio of products to further develop, Acre is amalgamating all its business units to help build on the successes to date.

In a letter to its key business partners, the company explains what the transition to the Acre brand will mean in terms of contacts and product availability.

According to Acre this move will mean that its product brands will become more widely used and visible in the market.

Over the last few years, Acre has introduced new systems and procedures to improve the customer experience including a wide range of online resources. At the same time, it has also invested in R&D to help bring products that better address needs to the market more quickly, and with better support.

Acre continues to focus its future strategy in the security market on solutions - providing engineered systems and security software packages for buildings, corporate customers and critical infrastructure.

The Acre name may be relatively new to the global security market, but it is a well-established US based, multi-national company with a solid foundation in access control and complimentary technologies. The company has a strong 10-year foundation as Acre and an impressive product portfolio spanning the last thirty years, built on its experience and acquisition prowess in the US and International security markets. The company believes it has a name that inspires confidence with a number of large US and international blue-chip customers.

Acre is taking its commitment to the global market seriously and as this brand becomes the company name across the multitude of product portfolios, the company maintains that it will continue to honour existing commercial arrangements, supplier agreements and pricing.

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