Leisure and business travellers enjoy the convenience of flexible check-in and the safety of contactless arrival. Switching mechanical locking for a wireless electronic system can offer both without disrupting hotel aesthetics or day-to-day operations. Guests can enter their room without queueing at receptio. It is an ideal solution for hospitality settings where 24/7 staffing is not cost-effective, as managers of this one luxury apartment complex in Galicia, Spain discovered.
Safety and convenience are often central to traveller expectations and making more self-service check-ins available can save a business money and reduce unnecessary staff workload.
At Harpazul, stylish electronic locks with integrated PIN keypads now secure the main entrances, recreation areas and individual apartments. Wireless, PIN-operated escutcheons complement the aesthetics. Rooms also have a wall-mounted Energy Saver, which helps Harpazul to minimize wasted energy.
Easy installation and convenient operation
Tesa Hotel’s Check-In by PIN solution makes arrival safe and stress-free. The guest enters without delay and settles in immediately. Contactless arrival also saves costs, because 24-hour hotel reception staffing is not required.
Before they even leave home, guests receive an email with a unique PIN to enter Harpazul; move through its common areas; and unlock their room. The code expires automatically on scheduled check-out. “This way we offer a better service to the customer because they don't have to queue at reception,” says Harpazul’s Roi Casal. “Our guests move around without any need to carry a key-card.”
“We have a long, strong record in supplying innovative, trusted locking solutions to hotels and holiday rentals,” explains Iñigo Aldalur, Sales Manager at Tesa Hotel. “Our entire range of locking devices is wireless, so a structure and its interior design are never disrupted by ugly cabling. Wireless locks are also faster and more cost-effective to install, which helps smooth the transition from mechanical locking to an electronic solution which appeals to the modern traveller.”
Improving service
Harpazul’s wireless locking system is managed easily and in real time with Tesa Hotel software. Every lock can be controlled or monitored remotely. The same locks are compatible with key-card and smartphone app unlocking, if Harpazul introduce either option in future.
Harpazul’s system administrator automatically receives alerts when a door is opened, a guest turns on privacy mode (DND) or a lock’s battery is low — a rare event, as Tesa Hotel locks have a typical battery life of 3 years or at least 75,000 cycles. PIN expiration dates and times are easily amended to facilitate an extended stay or late check-out.
Designed for accommodation of almost any size and type, the Tesa Hotel solution is a simple upgrade which unifies locks and software in one system. A broad hardware range includes robust door and in-room devices, all with modern aesthetics. Battery powered and wireless, they come in multiple finishes and designs.