

Galaxy integrates with ONSSI Ocularis 5

Pearl River, NY (USA)

The System Galaxy access control solution from Galaxy Control Systems now fully integrates and supports the ONSSI Ocularis 5 Video Management Software (VMS). The integration of these VMS and access control solutions provides users with greatly enhanced real-time situational awareness and significantly streamlines the post-event investigation process.

“The correlation of video and access control provides users with an effective, efficient and intelligent solution that is proven to improve overall security and heighten situational awareness,” said Ken LaMarca, VP of Sales and Marketing, OnSSI. “The integration with Galaxy Control Systems was facilitated by Ocularis’ open architecture, which enables the ability to process comprehensive intelligence across multiple platforms.”

Working in concert with System Galaxy, OnSSI’s Ocularis 5 provides critical information that lets operators quickly assess situations as they unfold, and use the information gathered to determine the best course of action.

“The combination of Ocularis 5 and System Galaxy creates a unique and powerful VMS-Access Control solution that capitalizes on the combined strengths of these respective platforms to improve overall safety and security,” said Robert Laughlin, President, Galaxy Control Systems. “The latest version of System Galaxy includes enhancements that further enhance the user experience and streamline installation, while providing a comprehensive access and surveillance management platform by integrating OnSSI’s Ocularis 5.”

The seamless integration between Ocularis 5 and System Galaxy enables real-time access control activity and user-defined, real-time on-screen event annotation. Each door can be assigned a preset NVR/DVR and camera, with alerts triggered by valid or invalid access attempts, which are tied to pre- and post-event video. Upon receiving an alert, operators can engage the full power of both Ocularis and System Galaxy to quickly and easily retrieve live video, control cameras, lock/unlock doors and much more. In addition to delivering unprecedented real-time situational awareness the combined solution provides faster and more accurate retrieval of correlated video and data for more effective and efficient post-event investigations.


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