

Digicert top execs make 2020 predictions

Lehi, Ut

Some of the top management at Digicert have released their 2020 security predictions. Focusing overall on digital transformation, the predictions are divided into three sub-categories – Internet of Things (IoT), encryption and privacy.

Tim Hollebeek, Industry and Standards Technical Strategist at Digicert:

"NIST will have standardised a PQC algorithm by 2022-2024, kicking off a global effort to deploy it. Companies that have inventoried their cryptographic systems and emphasized cryptographic agility will have a relatively easy time deploying it; others, not so much.

A quantum computer to solve an economically important problem next year. This will kick off a new era of investment in accelerating quantum computing development based on the demonstration of practical benefits. Adoption of post-quantum cryptography will need to keep up."

Dean Coclin, Senior Director, Business Development at Digicert:

"Certificate Automation: with shorter validity periods on the horizon for TLS certificates, organizations will need to start embracing automation in order to make cert management easier.

Consumers will have to heighten their security awareness as threat actors take advantage of free Domain Validated TLS certificates to show the padlock on their websites. It’s no longer sufficient to “look for the lock”, one must look “beyond the lock”.

IoT Security: hackers will continue to find vulnerabilities in consumer devices since security is not top of mind when these devices are developed. Industrial IoT security has improved especially for critical systems such as automotive, SCADA and healthcare.

This year, we have seen the adoption of the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and the failed NYPA (NY Privacy Act). There is impetus for a national privacy act, similar to GDPR, but the likelihood of that happening in the current administration is low. Nonetheless consumers are very concerned about recent privacy breaches. States are filling the hole by adopting their own acts but this will make compliance very difficult for companies due to the patchwork nature of adoption."

Mike Nelson, Vice President of IoT Security at Digicert:

"We will see more public exploits on IoT devices that will cause regulators to strengthen their position on IoT security. More global governments will introduce IoT security regulation.

We will see industries come together in an effort to create standards for securing IoT devices in their industry. These efforts will be an attempt to avoid regulation.

Many of the small private CAs supporting global IoT deployments will run into scalability issues as they realise the challenge of global scale. This will cause manufacturers to turn to the large public CAs in an attempt to solve the scalability challenge. The public CAs will respond by creating or acquiring more robust IoT, or private trust, solutions to meet the growing demand for IoT security."


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