

Boon Edam protects Peruvian port infrastructure

Lillington, NC

APM Terminals Callao has installed Turnlock 100 full height turnstiles from Boon Edam at the Multipurpose North Terminal of Callao in Peru as part of a large-scale physical security plan to protect one of the largest marine terminals in the region from criminal activity.

The Multipurpose North Terminal of Callao Port joins a global trend in the use of security technology to combat crime. Studies have shown that ports in developing nations are the most vulnerable to criminal acts at ports. Hence, for maritime terminals, it is critical to invest in security not only to safeguard port infrastructure, but also the safety of those who work there and the goods they work with.

Incidents such as hacking, intrusion or illicit drug trafficking are crimes that threaten ports around the world. In extreme cases, ports such as those in Libya have experienced terrorist attacks. In 2015, the port of Bahia Portete (Guajira, Colombia) reported that it was experiencing continuous theft of its signaling system for terminal security. To address a wide variety of threats, port authorities around the world have deployed numerous strategies, including investment in access control technology.

In 2011, APM Terminals Callao (belonging to the Danish group A.P. Moller Maersk) was awarded the management of the Multipurpose North Terminal of the Port of Callao (Peru) for a period of 30 years. At that time, all entry control and registration activities were performed manually by security staff, which detracted from the effectiveness of procedures and controls.

In 2013, APM Terminals Callao invested in new access control equipment as part of a continuous improvement program designed to modernise visitor and employee application processing and auditing standards for objectivity and efficiency. To achieve these objectives, APM Terminals Callao selected Boon Edam‘s Turnlock full height turnstiles for their robust barrier construction and ability to efficiently control the flow of visitors and staff to the facility, who are recorded also via security cameras during entry.

In addition to the full height turnstiles, APM installed in the North Terminal biometric access control systems, electronic barriers for vehicle access, a module to manage visitors, software to register and control personnel access with capabilities such as automatic locks and anti-passback capabilities (a user can exit only if his/her access has been logged in the system), among others. The system operates 24/7/365 in order to service the high level of traffic at this Peruvian terminal.

As the port looks to the future and takes into account that security protocols should be in constant review, APM Terminals Callao is always looking to provide the most suitable environment for the terminal operating under the highest standards of safety and efficiency.


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